Welcome to my repository of all things not deemed suitable for retention on our new church website.

Here you will find a magical miscellany of Reflections I have written over the years. Also historical material for Hatfield Road Methodist Church.

I will also add a number of Methodist historical items which I hold in my own collection.

To start off I include the Reflections that I have written for this year. I have previously written reflections using Christmas Carols and Secular songs. This year I set myself the challenge of writing an Advent or Christmas song for each day.

To be completely honest, I never thought I would make it but I have! As a bonus I have also modernised some of Charles Wesley's hymns from his booklet "Hymns for the Nativity of our Lord" which was published in 1745 and revised by Wesley over a period of 40 years. Apart from "Come thou long expected Jesus" I expect that none will be familiar to you. These will be added on the Sunday's of Advent and possibly randomly beyond that if I complete anymore of them.

This "exercise" has been incredible fun and very uplifting. I did offer a few sessions on creative writing to folk but no one took me up in it. If anyone would like to explore this please do speak to me.
