O heavenly choir

The third of the hymns from Charles Wesley's "Hymns for the Nativity of our Lord".

Today we have, "O heavenly choir, help us to sing" which is the second hymn in the original book.

A hymn of praise and worship in response to the birth of our Saviour. A slow "waltzy" folk tune to this one. I liked the feel of this tune to the solemnity of the words. The system added the "la la..." sections and they feel like angelic voices so rather than cut the song short I left them in.

As "usual" the original words are in the left column so you can see how I have revised them.

Credit again goes to Mr Wesley for his magnificent hymn writing and Suno.com for the wonders of the music generation they have made possible.

I hesitate to claim copyright on these re-writes but under the terms of the Suno licence, the music is owned by me and possibly copyright me. However, copyright is a minefield at the best of times and more so in the A.I. world.

[Verse 1]
O heavenly choir, help us to sing
play sweetest music, to honour our King
His mighty salvation, demands all our praise
Our best adoration, to him we raise

[Verse 2]
All glory to God, who rules on high
Comes the Son on earth, to live and die
Christ Jesus the Saviour, all mortals to bless
His promise delivered, he gives us his peace

[Instrumental and Vocalisation]

[Verse 3]
All glory to God, who rules on high
Comes the Son on earth, to live and die
Christ Jesus the Saviour, all mortals to bless
His promise delivered, he gives us his peace

Charles Wesley revised Chris Hancock

  1. Ye heavenly choir, assist me to sing,
    And strike the soft lyre, and honor our King;
    His mighty salvation demands all our praise,
    Our best adoration, and loftiest lays.
  2. All glory to God, who ruleth on high,
    And now hath bestowed, and sent from the sky
    Christ Jesus, the Savior, poor mortals to bless,
    The pledge of His favor, the seal of their peace.

Charles Wesley

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