Author: admin


Session Three – The Presence of God

Represented by a labyrinth contained within a Triquetra. Introduction As we move to the third labyrinth we spend some time being aware of God with us. Resting in His presence and drawing His peace...


Prayer Labyrinths – Introduction

Labyrinth Journey’s Having used my Cross Labyrinth in our recent Lenten Journey. It has inspired me to add the resources I produced for a Circuit Quiet Day which used this and three other shaped...


Psalm 5 – Reflection and Hymn/Song

Our Lent Sunday bonus this week is another of the Psalms in words and music reflections. The recording of my composition is a little “rough” for which I apologise but hopefully it will be...


Psalm 4 – Reflection and Hymn/Song

This reflection and hymns on Psalm 4 have been sitting in the draft section of the website for quite a while. I think I said on day two of the Lent reflections that I...


Psalm 1

Welcome to the first of an occasional series of posts running through the Psalms. The series will vary in content as the Spirit leads. Some will be a reading of the Psalm set to...


Advent 2020 Reflections – Day Two

Isaiah 11 1-3a 11 A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit. 2 The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him — the Spirit of...