Session Four – God sends us out to spread the Good News

God sends us out to spread the Good News

Represented by a labyrinth contained within the Cross.

Bell Labyrinth


Our final labyrinth of our reflections together is the cross. We travel many roads but there is always the cross before us to remind us of our Salvation.

The cross labyrinth is an angular awkward layout. The paths are narrower than the other three the turns more dramatic. This is on purpose. I experimented with a more flowing organic shaped cross shapes but they did not feel right.

As we experience the reminder of the cross we are aware of Jesus’ words to us that we should love one another and seek to make disciples.

Having sought God’s will and rested in His presence

we prepare to go out into the world.

The cross is perhaps the symbol we use most often in our lives it is on the outside and inside of our churches. Many wear it as a piece of jewelry – sometimes without appreciating the meaning.

It is a powerful sign of the sacrifice which was made for us. Its emptiness a reminder of the resurrection and the eternal life of which we are assured.

I am sure that all of us, who working through these sessions, have visions and aspirations for ourselves, our churches, our neighbourhoods and the world.

Perhaps we have had those visions re-inforced or made clearer during our time using these reflections.

As we travel the Cross labyrinth we formulate the things we are going to do in the next week, month, year, to make these things happen.

The angular changes of direction and the narrow path remind us that this is never easy. We will face opposition from those who dislike change. Perhaps more energy sapping we will face apathy from those we seek to enthuse.

As we return from the centre of the cross we strengthen ourselves with God’s promise that he will be with us always. That as we walk the path he is before, behind and within us and we give Him our lives.


A printable copy of the Cross Labyrinth is available by clicking here

Cross Labyrinth

If you would like to please use the sheets of paper with the cross labyrinth to:

Perhaps make a note in the hill at the foot of the cross of the things that you resolve to do.

In the pathway you could write the individual things which will assist in making the thing you have laid at the foot of the cross happen.

Again you may want to draw or doodle sketches which represent some of your thoughts.

Cross outline

At Journey Light a few months ago we made a South American style decorated cross. You could choose to do that if you would like to. Thse contain brightly coloured images of bible scenes and things from nature. If you have not seen one before do a quick internet search.

A printable copy of the Cross outline, which you can use for this, is available by clicking here

Some Material to help your Reflection

Bible Reading

Read – Luke Chapter 9 or verses 1 – 6 and 23 – 26

Jesus sends the disciples out to preach the Kingdom of God.

Genesis Chapter 22 verses 1 – 19

God Commands Abraham to Offer Isaac

John Chapter 10 verses 10a – 17

“I am the good shepherd, who is willing to die for the sheep”.

Some Hymn and Songs:

May I live in the Light of Your cross, Lord
May I live in the light of Your cross, Lord.
Shape my life by Your death for me.
May each day be a song of thanksgiving,
For Your suffering has set me free.
But Jesus, I bow, Your debtor.
You have bought me at such a precious price.
So I’ll spend all I have in Your service
And my life as Your sacrifice.

May Your love be my lord and my master.
Keep my heart daily open wide.
Fill my words with a patient compassion
For each person for whom You died.
Rejoicing, I take Your cross, Lord,
That the world may be crucified to me.
Now I turn from its pain and its pleasure,
For Your cross is my liberty.

I will offer up my life

Creative Commons Licence
This work by Christopher Hancock is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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