Session Three – The Presence of God

Represented by a labyrinth contained within a Triquetra.


Triquetra Labyrinth Image

As we move to the third labyrinth we spend some time being aware of God with us.

Resting in His presence and drawing His peace around and into our lives.

We use the Christian symbol of the triquetra and the image of God the Rock to help our reflection.

Having sought God’s will

We draw in His strength

The word “rock” is used many times in the Bible with reference to God and is probably best understood from its Old Testament origins.

During the wilderness wandering, God caused water to flow from a rock.

Later, when Moses asked to see God, he was hidden by God in the “cleft of the rock” and God covered Moses with His hand for protection so that he would not be harmed.

With these background experiences, Moses was the first to use the word “rock” in a figurative sense in connection with God. “The Rock, his work is perfect; For all his ways are justice”.

This outpouring reminds us that God is the source of our physical blessings.

As Israel was dramatically shown in the wilderness, God provides for our needs. Relying on the goodness and providence of God, Jesus teaches us to pray, “Give us this day our daily bread”.

As the rock in the wilderness was a miraculous source of water – and therefore life, so God is the source, the fountain of our spiritual life and vitality.

The word “rock” also embodies the idea of strength. Rock was used to build walls, fortresses, and towers. God is our source of strength in times of distress and danger. God is also our refuge.

Like Moses, we can hide in the cleft of “the Rock.” and God will care for us.

“Rock” also typifies something about the nature of God. He is solid as a rock. He is unchangeable in nature. Moses had this in mind when he spoke of God’s ways and justice.

The “rock” symbolism continues in the New Testament with reference to Christ. He is the foundation, the chief-corner stone he is the spiritual rock for those who obey Him.


As with the other sections please use the sheets of paper with the triquetra labyrinth as you would like.

Triquetra Image Black and White Outline

I particularly like this image. Unlike the other labyrinths we are using the triquetra has a number of paths we can take and three areas where we can “rest” in the presence of God.

As such it reflects, to me, the many ways and places we can experience the touching of God’s strength in our lives.

You could write the words which speak to you of the presence of God. Perhaps the names and images that we use to describe and refer to God. Father, King, etc.

Draw pictures or images which come to you while you are spending this time in quiet.

If physical objects are helpful to you you may like to select a stone or stones from your garden.

Choose a stone that is either particularly beautiful or particularly unusual in your eyes, or a stone that as you quickly look at it represents a time or place you love.

We use the triquetra labyrinth.

Sit comfortably and pick up the stone you have chosen observe its physical qualities. Try to observe as closely as possible, using eyes and hands while keeping the stone at the centre of your attention.

Close your eyes and contemplate the stone without looking at it. Feel the silence and the great age of the stone. If it is helpful you could imagine that you are also a stone, with a stone’s silence and strength.

Remembering the stone as a symbol of God ask him to give you a teaching or a vision which you need.

What does God tell you through the stone? Make some notes or draw some images which represent your thoughts.

Finish by asking God to give you a blessing.

When you open your eyes, offer a blessing back to God. You can do this by saying words, by singing, or by washing the stone with water as Jacob anointed the stone. Keep in mind that the stone is a part of the holiness of God.

Some Material to help your Reflection

Bible Reading

Old Testament – Jacob’s Dream at Bethel

Genesis Chapter 28 – Verses 10 – 22

New Testament – John’s Vision from Revelation Chapter 2 verse 17

“I will also give each one a white stone that has a new name written on it. And no one will know this name except the one who gets the stone.”

This is the only reference to the “white stone” in the Bible, it is therefore difficult to interpret.

There are many suggestions but perhaps the best meaning of the white stone probably has to do with the ancient Roman custom of awarding white stones to the victors of athletic games.

The winner of a contest was awarded a white stone with his name inscribed on it. This served as his “ticket” to a special awards banquet.

In the same way, Jesus promises those who remain faithful an entrance to the eternal victory celebration in heaven.

The “new name” most likely refers to the Holy Spirit’s work of making us Christ-like.

Some Hymn and Song Words

Singing the Faith – 434 – Rock of Ages cleft for me.

Songs of Fellowship – 26 – Ascribe Greatness to our God the Rock

Singing the Faith – 248 – I heard the voice of Jesus say come unto me and rest

Creative Commons Licence
This work by Christopher Hancock is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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