Advent 2020 Reflections – Day Two
Isaiah 11 1-3a
11 A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse;
from his roots a Branch will bear fruit.
2 The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him —
the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding,
the Spirit of counsel and of might,
the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the Lord
3 and he Awill delight in the fear of the Lord.
We are “blessed” with an office block opposite our home. In front of that block stand three very large trees.
Every few years they are pruned back to bare trunks. This pruning appears to be beyond the point where recovery of the trees seems possible. However, next Spring the shoots will start to sprout and in no time at all there will be lush growth once again.
God tells us that these times of growth are coming and have come.
Those of you who are gardeners will know that the pruning and cutting back, even though severe, in many ways encourages more vigorous growth.
Perhaps this is a word to us a we struggle with diminishing congregations and a seemingly increasingly secular and disinterested world.
In this period of Advent we look forward to the growth made possible by the coming of Jesus into the world. The excitement and energy that gives us, once again inspires us into action.
We spend a few moments in stillness as we remember times when growth has come from seeming desolation.
I take as my carol today “O come O come Emmanuel”, which is number 180 in Singing the Faith, if you have the hymn book and would like to follow it.
This carol speaks to me of that eager anticipation of new growth of release from captivity and disappointment. When we feel at our lowest we can still rejoice that Jesus is with us and comes to each of us to set us free from whatever holds us captive.
This is an ancient text translated by John Mason Neale. Neale was an Anglican Priest who had to resign from his Parish due to chronic lung disease. He became the warden of an Almshouse and spent much of his time writing. Including translating and writing many hymns. Among these are Good Christian men rejoice, All glory laud and honour and our carol for today. His infirmity released his creative spirit and today we continue to have our spirits lifted as we listen to these words.
Please click the play triangle to listen to the carol.
If you would like to, please read the passage again before we pray together.
Loving God, we read in your word passages comparing you to a gardener. A gardener who prunes his garden that it may be full of vibrant and fresh new growth. We thank you that even when it seems that growth is impossible you bring forth green shoots. New growth which is an expression of your speaking to us through your magnificent creation. You reveal the truth of your words of certain hope in everything around us.
As we travel through this Advent time we pray that we may see those green shoots in our own lives and in the life of our church fellowships.
Let your words of hope and truth become real in our lives. Help us to draw your word into us so that it grows and flourishes within us – growing and growing so that it flows from us into our lives, our families, our church, and out into our communities.
Photographs of trees by Chris Hancock.
Bible passage from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
O Come, O Come Emmanuel – john Mason Neale (published 1851) Public Domain
Reflection and Prayer: Chris Hancock
Hatfield Road Methodist Church CCLI: 4955 Streaming: 989812