Advent Day 2 – Titus Chapter 3 Verses 3 – 7 (Song – Mercy poured into the world (Acoustic))
Titus Chapter 3 Verses 3 – 7 (NIV)
3 At one time we too were foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another. 4 But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, 5 he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, 6 whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, 7 so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.
Opening Prayer
Lord, as we continue our Advent journey, help us to look at the priorities of our lives. Help us to be aware of the impact our careless words have on others. Once again remind us of your saving grace which pours into our lives. Amen
I am sure that when you were younger; one or other of your parents, when you were upset about something someone has said to you, told you: “sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me”. Whilst the sentiment of the saying is true, the reality is that harsh words do hurt us, sometimes very deeply.
I was listening to an interview on the radio of someone who had been called out for posting something inappropriate on social media. The post used a photograph unconnected to the incident they had railed against, but was of another group at another place and time. When asked if they regretted the post, now that it had been proved a “lie”, they defended their position with words along the lines of… In the heat of the moment on a subject you are passionate about, your words can not incite hatred. Sadly that is not true.
We need to be careful that our words do not incite hatred, which can then create endless cycles of hatred.
Having said that , today’s passage is really about salvation. How, despite the terrible way we might have lived and still live our lives; it is in the coming of Jesus that we are able to be rescued and put once again on the right path with God. I hope the words that came to me for today’s song reflect the coming of God’s mercy and Grace into the world.
A time for your own reflection
Read the passage again and spend a little time thinking about how the passage speaks to you. The wonder of scripture is that there is always something new to discover and each passage speaks to us in our own need and circumstances.
Only if you feel you want to – share your thoughts with someone. God inspires our thoughts and you never know, the person you share with may be waiting to hear what you have to say.
Today’s song will appear twice during this series of reflections. I originally set the words to a more “punk” aggressive tune to reflect the anger in so many people’s lives, which so often sets us against one another. It is a bit early in this series to “put you off” with something perhaps more to my musical taste than others. So I have given you an acoustic version of the same words today. The electric version will follow in a few days so you can make your own mind which you prefer.
“Mercy poured into the world”
Words: Chris Hancock
Inspiration: Titus 3 v 3 – 7
Music: Generated on
Vocals: A.I.
[Verse 1]
We have often fallen short,
In word, and thought, and deed.
Living only for ourselves,
In selfishness and greed.
[Verse 2]
Hurtful words are on our lips,
Venom on our tongues,
We hate and in return get hate,
Careless of what we’ve done.
Mercy poured into the world
As star light blazed above
We have the chance to start again
Through his grace and love
[Verse 3]
This child’s birth will offer us
A re-birth of our own
A chance to come before our God
And bow before his throne
Mercy poured into the world
As star light blazed above
We have the chance to start again
Through his grace and love
[Verse 4]
This child’s birth will offer us
A re-birth of our own
A chance to come before our God
And bow before his throne
Mercy poured into the world
As star light blazed above
We have the chance to start again
Through his grace and love
Mercy poured into the world
As star light blazed above
We have the chance to start again
Through his grace and love
Loving and merciful God, we thank you that you have demonstrated the vastness of your mercy and love in Jesus.
We pray that your mercy and love pour over us and deeply into us. That as your gifts fill us, we will be changed. That our tongues will speak encouragement, mercy and love in your name.
Fill us with compassion and love. Help our words to be those of reconciliation not hate. When we would speak in haste and anger help our voices remain silent.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Reflections and Prayers
By Chris Hancock
Words of the songs are by Chris Hancock
Music generated on
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Bible Readings
Bible readings are from the New International Version (NIV)
Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
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