Session Two – Our Response to God’s Call
Represented by a labyrinth contained within a fish.
Within the second labyrinth of our quiet day together we think of the path that we have travelled with God to reach this place.
The times we have been at odds with Him and chosen to go our own way.
We use the early Christians symbol of the fish as our second labyrinth.
Having heard God’s call
we seek his will.
Some thoughts as we begin the session.
The fish was used as a secret symbol by the early Church to identify fellow Christians. The Greek Letters give the initials which represent the words “Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour”
Today, in our reflections, we also use the fish symbol to remember the Prophet Jonah who refused God’s task as he did not want to look foolish.
He rightly knew that God would be merciful to the people of Ninevah and he was angry about it. Angry enough that not only did he refuse but he tried to run away and hide.
We remember how he was swallowed by the great fish and there finds the purpose of God for this stage of his life.
As we walk the labyrinth we pass the thoughts and obstacles that we ourselves place before our relationship with and service for God.
As we reach the centre we pause to listen for God’s word to us. We pray a prayer as Jonah did inside the great fish.
As we retrace our steps we set aside all of the obstacles we have passed on our inward journey and like Jonah we emerge ready to follow God’s prompting.
A printable copy of the Icthus Labyrinth is available by clicking here
If you would like to please use the printed sheets of paper with the fish labyrinth to:
Make a note of the things you feel are getting in the way of the task God has for you. Remember that task may be for you to rest and your busyness, even on church activities, may be the obstacle.
Perhaps in the centre write the task you feel God is calling you to or a short prayer.
Turn the paper upside down and on the reverse path, write the things you resolve to do to allow you to draw closer to God and the current task he has for you.
If you do not want to write, as an alternative, you may like to follow the path in with one colour of pencil and use a different colour to follow the path out symbolising the changes you pray for.
If it helps, draw some small pictures which represent some of your thoughts.
There is no right or wrong way to complete these reflections. Whatever works for you is the right way. Please be as creative as you wish.
If physical objects are helpful to you, you could perhaps use two different coloured stones.
Place one in the centre of the labyrinth and “carry” the other into the centre on your journey and replace it with a the one in the centre before you exit.
You could use this to symbolise a change of heart and indicate a willingness to follow God’s promptings.
If you would like to keep both for future reflection, on this activity, please do so.
Some Resources to aid your reflection
Bible Reading
Read – Jonah Chapters 1 and 2 – Or just Jonah’s Prayer
Some Hymns and Songs
Singing the Faith 666 – Master speak thy servant heareth.
Singing the Faith 530 – To be in Your presence
This work by Christopher Hancock is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.