Advent Day 18 – Matthew 2 verses 7 – 10 (Song – In the silence of night 2 more versions)
Bible Reading Matthew 2 verses 7 – 10
7 Then Herod called the Magi secretly and found out from them the exact time the star had appeared. 8 He sent them to Bethlehem and said, “Go and search carefully for the child. As soon as you find him, report to me, so that I too may go and worship him.”
9 After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen when it rose went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. 10 When they saw the star, they were overjoyed.
Opening Prayer
As we follow the Advent star we pray that you will keep our feet firmly on the path. Help us avoid the distractions of the season to keep our eyes focused on you. May we too be overjoyed as we watch the star guiding our way. Amen
It is interesting to note that the religious leaders were aware where Jesus would be born. They were at best not very helpful to the Magi as they searched for the new born baby. Herod is positively sinister in his desire to know where Jesus has been born.
Many years ago I worked in an office when we had a new manager appointed. He was very friendly and talked with everyone. Asking where they lived and other general discussion. Everyone thought he was a lovely man. It was only a little while later that we discovered that he was making a note of those who lived near enough that they would be able to walk to the office in case of bad weather! We can all be a little sneaky trying to find out things we don’ really need to know or which put us at an advantage.
However, we must resist the temptation to think the worst of everyone we meet. The majority of people we meet, are indeed lovely people who will help us on our journey. We must not judge everyone by the poor behaviour of the small minority.
A time for your own reflection
Read the passage again and spend a little time thinking of how the passage speaks to you. The wonder of scripture is that there is always something new to discover and each passage speaks to us in our own need and circumstances.
Only if you feel you want to – share your thoughts with someone. God inspires our thoughts and you never know, the person you share with may be waiting to hear what you have to say.
Here are the alternative versions of yesterday’s song –
“In the silence of night”
As I wrote yesterday I struggled to pick the version of the tune / style for this song. Below are a rock version where I really like the chorus. The duet version gives a nice balance to the song which I really like.
Words: Chris Hancock
Music: Generated on
Voice: A.I.
Folk Duet
[Verse 1]
In the silence of night, with hearts full of dreams,
We followed a light, that glittered and gleamed.
A star in the heavens, so bright and so bold,
Leading the way, to a promise of old.
When the star rose, we knew inside,
That where it led, love would abide.
Over a child, this light would shine,
In that moment, human yet divine.
[Verse 2]
Over deserts, and mountains, we journeyed far,
With the promise of peace, proclaimed by a star.
The source of the world’s hope, love will abound.
Following a star, to where he is found.
When the star rose, we knew inside,
That where it led, love would abide.
Over a child, this light would shine,
In that moment, human yet divine.
[Guitar Solo]
With each step taken, we draw closer to life,
The light of the star, our feet will guide,
Shadows are scattered, in the warmth of its glow,
For the greatest of gifts, it has shon to show.
When the star rose, we knew inside,
That where it led, love would abide.
Over a child, this light would shine,
In that moment, human yet divine.
The star came to rest, on most holy of nights,
Above a humble stable, which was lit by its’ light.
In the cradle he is found, by we who travelled far
To find our loving Saviour, by the light of a star.
Loving God, we’re are not in positions of power like Herod is. However, we are sometimes tempted to be selfish. Holding onto things instead of sharing. Thinking of ourselves ahead of others. Help us to set aside these thoughts and actions, so that we can truly love our neighbours. Help us be generous in all we do.
Lord help us to search carefully for you in this Advent season. Knowing that your light shines to show us the way.As we travel our Advent journey, fill us with Your love.
We pray that we will see you and see others as you see them. We ask that we hear your holy word and when we do that we will have the strength and courage to answer your call. Amen.
Reflections and Prayers
By Chris Hancock
Words of the songs are by Chris Hancock
Music generated on
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Bible Readings
Bible readings are from the New International Version (NIV)
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